Monday, April 7, 2014

LAN101 Blog Post

Hello everyone, you might be asking yourself if you are at the right blog, well you are. Google decided to shut my blog down because they thought it was “spam” and it will take a week or so for them to fix it. So ill be using this blog for now. Many of you might recognize it from when I moved to NY to nanny, I just haven’t written on it for a long time.
Anyway, this exercise gave us a list of questions that were being asked and we had to pick a few and respond to them. The last question is a wrap up about the response in general and brings all ideas to a conclusion. I really enjoyed this exercise because I got to defend my topic and show how passionate I can become with it. I think that I will be able to show this passion a lot better through my research paper better than I would have. Also I believe I would not have chosen to answer the “what should we do about it?” Question in my paper; which I believe is very important. If you propose an idea on a topic you have to tell you audience what a good way to deal with it or overcome it would be, but I have always just assumed they would figure that part out. If I give them an idea about what we could do about the situation, it could spark their brains and we could actually get something accomplished.

How do most people see this? How do you see it differently?
Most people would see divorce as just two married people who no longer want to be together and it’s just a “big break-up” with legal issues involved. Divorce now is normally always out of anger and there is hate involved and when all the papers are signed, there’s a reason to party. It is something that is very common in today’s society. I see divorce as a very sad and hard thing to do in one’s life. It does not only affect the married couple, it affects the world around them and especially their children. I do not think married couples should get into divorce because it is a covenant between the two people. The only way divorce is acceptable is when one of the two people break the covenant for example, adultery. The children involved develop mental and physical problems if the parents do not express concern and get the help the child needs watching his parents split apart. 

Can you give me an example?
To give you an example, let’s use the Smith family. Mr. Smith decides to propose to Mrs. Smith and they get married, have a kid, etc. Mrs. Smith is unhappy with the way Mr. Smith does the laundry and he lost his job, he is no longer bringing in any money. Mrs. Smith just can’t understand why he can’t do the laundry her way and now that he is not bringing in any money, she no longer wants to be with Mr. Smith. They already had a legal document written up in case they would get into a divorce. Around the house they don’t fight because they don’t think it would be healthy for their kid to see and they decide that the child will spend every other week with each parent.  Their child is 12 years old and very vulnerable to his parent’s actions. His parents do not think he needs counseling and so they decided to talk to him but since he is scared to tell his parents how he really feels; the child suffers from depression and separation anxiety. The child thinks that the divorce is his fault because he never saw his parents fight and no one would give him an explanation. He does not know how to deal with tough situations and he does not know how to cope with difficult situations. The doctor noticed his blood pressure was high for such a young age. He asked the mother if there were any changes to his daily life. Mrs. Smith explains everything to the doctor and he suggests counseling and someone other than the parent to talk to, someone who is not involved in the divorce.
It is also a proven fact that if the parents are fighting in a home and not showing the love of a married couple, the children can show the same effects as children with divorced parents. 

What do you think we would do about it?
I believe that we should make divorce a bigger issue within society than it really is. Sometimes parents do not mean to neglect their children but do not know any better because they do not understand how divorce can really affect their child. Also I believe we should provide free classes married couples to help their marriage survive, for their benefit but mainly the children’s benefit.  We should offer free counseling to kids, as well. So many times people need professional help but are unable to obtain it because it cost too much money.

Based on everything you’ve learned so far, what’s your point?
 My point is that children are becoming mentality and physically ill to divorce, which is something out of their control. Adults and married couples need to be more aware of the effects of divorce and how it can become a large problem, for a child, if not dealt with properly. Children have no control over divorce but yet they must deal with the consequences of divorce, so getting them the help they need is essential.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Making Some Friends

SOOO the past few days I have been hanging out with some pretty cool people! I met some kids (kinda my age haha, a litttle older) that love the Lord as much as I do! They have been showing me around and taking me sight seeing. (Poughkeepsie area is VERY historical, which is AWESOME!) But anyway, they have been making this transition a lot easier! So if any of you ready this, thank you very much!!! You are much appreciated! Thank you all also for your prayers! Its been getting easier but I still feel a heaviness. Not exactly sure what it is from but it is always the same time each day...right around 5, so right before dinner. I am hoping this is just nerves because I have been praying a lot and taking in everything I can right now. Tomorrow is my start date and I am thinking that maybe I am just worried and nervous about that. But who knows, I am not sleeping very well at night either, I wake up at least once every night. Also that might just be from such a drastic change. Honestly, it might take time but as of now, this does not feel like home. It is where I am living and residing and I am very thankful for it, but it just doesnt have that warm and fuzzy feeling when I walk through the door. I am hoping this changes because I REALLY like it here in NY! I think I just need to be here a while to be able to call it home. I feel like God has called me here and this is His plan for me at the time being. BUT I do not think it is just about me being a nanny. I think I was also suppose to come here for the people I have met. In just a few days my faith has grown abundantly! The friends I have made have pushed me to pray harder, dive into the bible more, and live out my actions through Christ's love. I believe God has a HUGE plan for me here! No matter what it is, I will remain faithful and ask for His strength daily. Gods plan is the best plan. :)

Friday, August 9, 2013


As I have shared with some of you I had been feeling like God was far off somewhere. No matter what I did I couldn't feel His presence. I went to a young adult group last night at a church near by and it was amazing. Amazing people and amazing words of God.  I felt so under the weather spiritually I needed their encouragement and to have Gods word spoken into me. They prayed for me and are continuing to and for those that have been praying for me, thank you!! It is much needed! 

I came to a conclusion that since God isn't a big part of this home, satan was not happy and wanted me out right away. He threw emotional battles me way, mental struggles, and a physical draining. I felt like God was so far away. I continued to pray and do devotions. I called a few people and their prayers came my way. I feel like I have over come that battle but I know there will be more to come. Satan does not want me here. He wants me back home. Gods plan for me here is big and I can not wait until I see it unfold day by day!! Thank you for your prayers and support! Love and miss you all!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Starting Out

So I moved in yesterday...WOW was it a drastic change. I went through so many emotions and feeling. I woke up today feeling a lot better. I thank you all for your thoughts and prayers!!! While I was being taken around the house today to see where the kids keep things I was really thinking about how much I will love this job!! The girls are amazing and I havent met both boys but the oldest is very kind and sweet. The malls here are huge! (as well as the price for everything too! 4 bucks for gas!!!!)

Sorry about my writing being everywhere and not focused! I am a bit overwhelmed with my life right now so my writing wont be organized until my life is. haha. I got in contact with a church right down the road from me and I am super excited for tomorrow because they have a young adult group and I can meet some people my age there! I really need some friends to hang out with!

Well so here I go....starting my new life as a nanny! Please keep me in your prayers!
I am never alone because God is always with me!!!
Love ALL of YOU!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Poughkeepsie Here I Come!!!

Hello Everyone!! So as most of you know, the week of august 4th I will be moving to Poughkeepsie, NY. (60 miles north of NYC) Yes, I was suppose to go to Lancaster Bible College for Worship arts but I was unable to due to financial issues. This job will give me a great opportunity to save up a good amount of money for college. I will be living there for about 2 years. I will come home on Thanksgiving and Christmas, hopefully being able to see all of you!! I will be a nanny for 4 beautiful children, the two youngest are girls and the two oldest are boys, ages ranging from 6-13. I am super excited for the move and CAN NOT WAIT to see what God has in store for me and the family I will become apart of. Please pray for me, my family, and the family I will be working for. This is a big transition for me and my family as well as the family I will be working for (especially the children).

During my stay in NY I will be writing on this Blog when I can, I do not know if it will be only on the weekend on in the evenings when I am off. If you are one who wants to follow this blog, I would check back once or twice during the week in the beginning of my new job. I will get into a flow of things and make sure I pick a good time to write, then I will say what days I will be writing. I will post pictures and write about what God is doing, and I am positive He will be doing AMAZING things! 

I really want to thank ALL of you for always supporting me in my walk with God and His plan in my life. I really would have never guessed this is where I would be after graduating high school but God always has a plan and I will trust Him where ever he takes me!

 I especially want to thank Caring Community Church Of God, I am super upset about leaving all of you. You all have made such an amazing impact on my life! Always praying for me in my travels and for God plan in my life.  You have prepared me for my NY life, I have learned to work really well with children in VBS and Childrens church. (Thanks Kent!) I have been taught by some amazing worship leaders on how to sing with your heart and praise God with every note. (Thanks Andrew!) But the most important how to love people. In my opinion our church is SO special. The love in the room every Sunday is just so embracing, no matter what I am going through I always find someone that makes me smile) So thank YOU, every single one of you! For no matter what I was ever going though I always had a helping hand, always had a prayer warrior, and always had insightful wisdom from the people of God. I could seriously keep going on and on about how thankful I am of all of you. I will make sure to visit you EVERY time I come! I love all of you!!!! 
Oh, one more thing prayer warriors! Please pray that I can find a church that I can worship and feel comfortable in, during my stay in NY. CCOG will always be my home church but for the time being I need a second home so I can continue to have Gods word breathed into me.